Showing 1–12 of 24 results

16th Century Cuirassier Resin & Fibreglass Half Armour For Hire

Price on request
This is a typical half suit of armour worn by heavy cavalry at the start of the English Civil War.

16th Century Fibreglass Burgonet Helmet & Gorget For Hire

Price on request
This is an example of an early 16th century Burgonet helmet being worn with a large Gorget plate. This armour

16th Century Full Suit of Armour Costume For Hire

Price on request
By the 16th century body armour had developed to be a complete covering or Full Harness. All parts of the

16th Century Spanish Admiral Parade Armour For Hire

Price on request
This is a reproduction of the elaborate ceremonial armour as worn by high ranking members of the Spanish Court in

16th Century Spanish Style Infantry Fibreglass Armour For Hire

Price on request
This is a full set of Armour that would have been worn by a common infantryman during the 16th and