Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Napoleonic French Light Cavalry Uniform Costume For Hire

Price on request
Chasseur à cheval campaign dress (1806-1815) Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815) French Army uniforms

Napoleonic French Light Cavalry Uniform Costume For Hire

Price on request
Chasseur à cheval officer (1806-1815) Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815) French Army uniforms

Napoleonic French Light Cavalry Uniform Costume For Hire

Price on request
Chasseur à cheval officer - stable dress (1806-1815) Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815) French Army uniforms

Norman Cavalry (1066) Costume For Hire

Price on request
We have a large selection of Costume of the typical Norman Cavalry. Utilising our “String Mail” suits these costumes are

Parliamentarian Cavalry Costume For Hire

Price on request
English Civil War 1642-1651. This costume depicts one of the most iconic uniforms and armour of the English Civil War.

Parliamentarian Cavalry Costume For Hire

Price on request
English Civil War 1642-1651. Buff coat costume. This costume depicts one of the most iconic uniforms and armour of the